Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Whose Parents Are In Jail

hi ruby jean, this is your mama. i love youso very much. i have a story for you today. "whenever you feel lonely and need a littleloving from home, just press your hand to your cheek and think, 'mommy loves you. mommy loves you.' and that very kiss will jump to your face and fill you with toasty warm thoughts." my daughter's name is ruby jean and she is6 years old. this is an amazing program. we're

How To Adopt A Child Whose Parents Are In Jail, taken away from everything that we know. andthe limited time we get to spend with our children... this is something we could giveto them. i can't put a price on it. i can't put a thing on it. it's just something they'llnever forget, we'll never forget. it's like sharing bedtime every night even though we'renot there.

i'm maura. i have 3 grandchildren. storybookproject to me means the world. the 3 year old, when i'm on the phone with her, she knowswho i am right away because she knows my voice from the books. to have volunteers that come in and the donationsthat are received just to keep this program going means so much to all of us. to be ableto reach out and stay in contact with our children means the world to us. what we try to do on the inside is to helpsolidify the bond that they have. and we can't do it alone. i am able to read a story tomy child every night personally. this is the next best thing because they still go to bedand hear their parent's voice at night. it

doesn't get better than that so i just wantto say thank you. to support lssi and storybook especially,financially, is something that's going to connect families. everybody has a memory ofsitting with a parent or grandparent with a special book. they could probably tell youwhat the book's name is! and you're giving that to another family. "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgivethose who trespassed against us. and lead us not into temptation but deliver us fromevil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. amen." jaylai love you so much. and i can't wait see you again thank you so much, i do appreciateall that you've done.

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