Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Wikihow

hi i'm james dix from reptile rescue servicein salt lake city, utah. and we are discussing how to take care of your painted turtle oreither an aquatic turtle or painted turtle. pretty much the same thing just a differentspecies. this particular one here is an asian leaf turtle but you would give them a habitatthat would be in your house a twenty gallon tank filtration system. make sure that youhave a log or a rock that they can climb up

How To Adopt A Child Wikihow, out of the water cause they do like to basqueunder a heat lamp. you need to put in a zoom in heat lamp depending on what size tank wouldbe the wattage they can tell you how deep your tank is what you would need at the petstore. most of the time it's seventy five watt and up. it's very critical that you keeptheir water clean, that you have a good filtration

pump because if you don't the pump will plugup and they can get fungus and other diseases. it's also very important to let your childrenknow or whoever is handling the turtle that always wash your hands afterwards cause aquaticturtles carry a lot of pin worms and salmonella. so make sure that you do follow these proceduresand these little tips on keeping your hands clean and you'll have a healthy turtle andalso nobody will catch anything from your turtle.

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