Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How To Animate Powerpoint 2016

action buttons are a lot like hyperlinks in powerpoint.they can be used to connect to another slide, file, email address, or web page, except theygive you a button to click instead of a link. the buttons are actually built-in shapes thatcan be found on the insert tab - on the same menu as the rest of the shapes. you'll findthem at the very bottom in a section of their own.

How To Animate Powerpoint 2016, because action buttons are so easy to understand,they're especially useful for self-running presentations. i plan to leave this presentationup for an entire afternoon, so new employees can re-watch it if they need to, or go backto review a specific slide. a few of the action buttons should be familiarto you from browsing the internet, like home,

back, and next. to insert one, click to selectit, then draw the shape where you want it on your slide. now we can define the settings for the actionbutton. i'm going to leave this one as is, which means it'll hyperlink to the next slidewhen the user clicks it, basically starting the presentation. click ok to save and closethe window. to go back and edit the button, all you haveto do is click the action command. why don't we go to the mouse over tab this time, andadd a sound that'll play as soon as the user mouses over the button, before they even clickit. you can also customize the way the actionbutton looks by going to the format tab. remember,

it's just a shape, so you can change everythingfrom the color and style to the shape itself. you don't even have to use one of the predefinedaction buttons. i have something else in mind for the restof my presentation. it involves this list of topics (sort of like a home page), andan action button that users can click to come back here any time, no matter what slide they'reon. to add this special button to every slide, we're going to go to the view tab first, wherewe can switch to slide master. now select the first one on the list, andcontinue to the insert tab to follow the same steps as before. why don't we use the home button this time?

instead of hyperlinking to the first slide,which is the title slide, i want to link to the topics slide. so i’ll select slide…and then click the one i want to link to. now you may have noticed that the home buttonisn’t appearing on some of the layout slides, but there’s an easy way to fix that. justuncheck hide background graphics. depending on what theme you’re using, youmay need to tweak a few things in the slide master view to get all of your slides lookingthe way you want. when you’re finished close the master our little action button to return home appears on every slide. let's check it outin slide show view to see how it all comes together.

there's that drum roll, triggered when i mouseover the button. it takes us to the next slide like it's supposed to and the home buttonappears to be working too. adding action buttons to your slides is a fantastic way to makeyour presentation fun and easy to navigate.

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