welcome to vital checklist where we make uniquedoctors with the help of emergent coaching and the road to usmle book, authored by dr.harpreet singh a practicing physician in the united states. this one book will teach you how to make patientshappy and is based on years of clinical and teaching experience.
How To Address A Letter To A Hospital Patient, introducing dr. harpreet singh. hi, i am dr. harpreet singh. i am chief medical author of road to usmlestep 2 clinical skills.. now, most of the medical students have difficultyin answering challenging questions.
as i have experience in my vital checklistworkshop. what i am going to do is, i am going to teachan easy to remember, difficult to forget methodology for answering those challenging questions. let�s dive in. this is called �lucky touch.� l - labelthe emotions. if the patient is crying, give them tissuepaper. u - understanding. try to understand the patient's concern, thenspeak. c - commend, always congratulate or commendthe patient and then recommend it.
k - keep is simple and smart. with the help of pictures, checklist, acronyms. try to explain the patient in great detailwhy you want to do it. and last but not the least always start withthe why of the issue, not what you have to do. make a log book. why do you have to make a log book? because you can see what the patient�s issuesare, it gets managed. touch - always make sure you have a good handshakewith the patient.
always make sure you have touching the patientin the elbow or arm. always make sure you have respect for thepatient and i call this �mothers rule.� i always think, what if you patient is youmother, what if you patient is your sister, what if you patient is your dad? how are you going to help the patient in thatway? why touch is important? just going into the nitty gritty of the neuro-anatomy. as you know, we have touch receptors in ourbody. these touch receptors take the signal to thearea of the brain that is called insula, right?
and these touch receptors have, one is calledas a beta which is myelinated and the other is a non myelinated fibers which are c fibersthey take the sensation to the insula and it will inhibit and make amygdala, it is thecenter of fear. when you touch a patient in a good way. the context is important. good way it stimulates the insula but it inhibitsthe amygdala the fear goes away. that is why you should be empathetic, thatis why you should use this lucky touch approach. i have explained this in my book. have fun in reading this book.
thank you. to purchase road to usmle - step 2 cs book,go to our website, you can also enroll in a vital checklist workshop or invite dr. singhto your medical school, residency, fellowship or hospital to speak. for all your options, visit vitalchecklist.com
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