hi, i'm laura from youngwritersworkshops.com,and i want to talk about how to write a family christmas letter. now, a christmas letteris often the way that you keep in touch with old friends, your family gets to tell theirstory in a way that keeps you from completely losing track of what your friends are doingand your friends keep track of what you're doing. so this can be a great way to stayin touch. start with a quick summary of the
How To Address A Letter To A Family, year, something like we've had a great yearfull of travel and fun, and lots of adventure. then go on to describe a few examples thatillustrate your year, including some trips you've taken, some of the adventures you'vehad. you don't have to chronologically even, just give some highlights. wrap it up by sendingout a big wish to everyone that you're writing
to, saying i hope you've had such a greatyear as well and we're really looking forward to hearing from you in the coming year. nowthe way to send your christmas letter varies. you can choose to you know photocopy the letteron paper and maybe include some photos in the photocopied letter. other people are usinge-mail to send out their christmas letters and there are some good templates out therefor creating a festive holiday letter that you can send by e-mail. making it a littlebit more efficient and saving some trees in the meantime. some people also might createa website and sending out a link by e-mail to their friends, to their holiday letter.so just remember to include a theme for your letter, include some examples, some specificthings you and your family have done with
the news about your family and then includean invitation to your friends to stay in touch. and that's how to write a family christmasletter.
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