Friday, June 9, 2017

How To Address A Letter To A Judge In A Letter

hey guys, david pisarra here with you want to know how to ge tore time with your kids? what's the procedure you go throughin court? let me answer that fore you? the basic rule is this, there has to be some changein circumstance between the prior court order or the prior situation and the current situation.something has to change to give a judge a reason to modify the current custody and visitationplan. that reason can be something along the

How To Address A Letter To A Judge In A Letter, lines of the child's changing schools andmaybe they're now closer to where you live, that can be something along the lines of yougot a new job and your hours have changed in such a way that now you're available topick up your child every afternoon from school and spend the afternoon with them. it canbe something along the lines of one of you

has either become an addict, drug addict oralcoholic or has cured you drug or alcohol problem. the way that this is going to happenis you're going to file what's called a request for order in the request for order you'regoing to explain to the judge what's changed and what you want to have in terms of newvisitation or new custody schedule. part of that is going to be a declaration. a declarationis just a letter to the judge under penalty of perjury that says i believe the followingto be true and you lay out all the reasons why you should have a new custodial plan.if you're going to modify child support as part of this, which frequently happens becauseas the child custody switches now there's going to be a modification of the child supporteither that you pay or that you receive, you

must fill out the fl-150 which is the incomeand expense declaration, along with your most current pay stubs for the last three months.if you do that a judge can change custody and visitation and they can modify the amountof child support you pay. i hope that helps you, feel free to give me a call i you'vegot more questions, please check out the website and remember, a cheeseburger and a chocolateshake will get you through just about everything. take care.

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