Saturday, July 8, 2017

How To Animate Jpg In After Effects

so we have a key frame here, and let's scrubthrough to say, twenty frames. let's move our item, off screen. and you'll see that another keyframe is automatically been set. so, it's just, animating in after effects is just amatter of setting key frames where you want them and the program interpolates all thekey frames in between, the "tweens". now we

How To Animate Jpg In After Effects, can adjust the position as well as the adjust the scale there are a few ways you can do that. we're going to double click onthe key frame. and just do it by numbers, two hundred on the x-axis and two hundredon the y-axis. and the scale is adjusted. oops, that changed the position. let's notdo that. sorry, let's set a key frame right

here for the scale. and the way to actuallymanually insert a key frame is to click on the little icon area next to the word scale.let's double click on that. and we can reduce it by percentage of the source. or we canreduce it by pixels, inches, millimeters or percentage of composition. you have severaloptions. so, let's halve this, fifty percent of what we have now, keeping the current aspectratio. and now we've scaled it down. so, we're going to interpolate from here to here andthen off screen.

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