hi this is edie from the video va blog with a video va quick tip on how to usemicrosoft office w_m_f_images or windows metafile images um... there some instances where you'regoing to go on to office dot microsoft dot com and you're gonna download imagesthat have this weird
How To Animate Jpg Images, extension w_m_f_ it's a windows metafileif you're using powerpoint or if you're using any sort of microsoft programand that includes word you're not going to need to do anything extra this is if you actually need to use these uh... images outside of microsoft
and i've figured out a really quick and easy waythat you can convert the image to jpeg or a png uh... based on what you're doing it forso let's say for instance and not out images that you find and office at microsoft dot com are metawindows metafile images just some of them but here's an example i'm downloading the image as you cansee the extension is wmf i'm gonna save it and the next thing thati'm going to do is i'm gonna open up
powerpoint and when i'm in powerpoint i'm gonna goto the insert button and select pictures i'm now going to i can either highlightthis uh... one-at-a-time or i can go in and if you have number of pictures it can go in and select more than one and just brought three images so no separate and so asyou can see come in their gorgeous you can adjust to whateversize you need if you were using them
in powerpoint now because i need to convert thisthis is the next step that i have to go to i highlight the image that i want tochange the uh... that i want to convert and i will right click it and i'll go down to save as picture select that next window that opens up allows me tonow save it i can rename it i can do whatever i want but most importantly ican't change the file type so i'm gonna change it from a windowsmetafile in this instance i'll go with a
portable network graphics formatt orp_n_g_ because this particular image has no uh... backgrounds on a transparentbackground so i could save and then i can move on to my nextelection that's the beauty of this you can bring in as many uh... images as youneed and like didn't do that in change theuh... he could bring in as many images asyou need uh... all at once and then just click onthem individually and do what you need
to do to each and every one of them soyou don't have to do this one at a time which is beautiful i think that'singenious uh... method so i just wanted to share with you this clearly quick tip on how you could change the filetype if you're dealing with the wm f or windows metafile image and youneed to change it to a jpeg or to a p n g and i hope that that washelpful see you next time visit me at blogdot video va dot com for more quick video tips thanks
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