Saturday, July 8, 2017

How To Animate In Krita

first of all, i'm picking 1 to 3 referenceimages to work with in my library. at at this point the timer has alreadystarted so... i get onto sketching, with a big brush atfirst. i loosely plot the main volumes,and once i start to visualize the idea i jump onto using a small brush inorder to detail a bit

How To Animate In Krita, the characters and the composition, right? i sketch the scene until i feelcomfortable with painting basically, and here i i put quite a bit of details onto the sketch. the next step is blocking silhouettes.

here, i'm using the lasso tool inorder to create base masks that i'm going to brush inorder to add volume and depth to the composition. this is a technique that's quitepopular and used a lot when making gameassets. i'm a game artist so, it's my goto technique although i try to vary from speedpaint to speedpaint. so i'm kind of making all of the mainvolumes in order to have something you know... if the timer ends, before i feel like im done, well, i have something to show!

and you can see that i'm using a blackand white layer style in order to see the valuecomposition, how it's shaping up. and i'm jumping a bit, i've added a little bit shading. always with thesame logic: that is to say big shadows first, and getting smaller and smaller. so i'm adding the carpet, trying to plot the colours and get asense of what it's going to be in the end. and yeah, i'm working a bit on the legs,adding

some darker values on the body at the moment. when you only have 30 minutes do yourspeed painting, it's like, you can visualize it, but with my current skill level, i don't have everything visible in my head! so i'm still searching a bit here and there, trying to put brush strokes, in particular, a frog is not a subject matter i've studied before. i haven't made lots of frogs.

i am trying to get a sense of how they are, how their skin reflects light. next, i am getting back to adding the big shadows, and you can see that from time to time, i'm using gradients, in orderto add a bit of depth to the character to add some kind of ambient occlusion between the salamander and the frog, in that case. it's also agood way to push your colours a little bit because with then multiply layer style, you tend to increase the saturation of your layers.

here, we're getting close to the end. i always keep 3 to 5 minutes for the compositing in order to enhance the levels and.. it's done. this is the end of his short tutorial! before we part ways i'd like to ask you what's your speed painting process like and... do you have any tips you'd like to share with everyone? just put it in the comments below. if youliked that video, you can subscribe to my channel andfollow me on social networks.

i'll be sure to release more in the future! ♥ thank you for watching! ♥

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