Saturday, July 8, 2017

How To Animate Highlight The Text On Powerpoint

now that we've added some audio files to ourpresentation, we need to edit them a little bit sothey'll play back correctly. on the first slide, i added some intro music, but the song is over a minute long,and i really only need a few seconds. to fix this, we'll need to trim it.

How To Animate Highlight The Text On Powerpoint, make sure that the audio icon is selected,and then go to the playback tab and trim audio. and now you can use the green and red markersto change the start and end points.

to preview it, click the play button. and i'm going to be adding a fade in and fadeout, so when i'm done, the beginning and end will sounda lot smoother. and you can adjust the fade in and fade outon the playback tab. i'm going to do point 75 seconds for the fadein, and i want the fade out to be a little bitlonger, so i'll do 3 seconds.

if you want to be able to jump to a specificpoint in the song, you can add a bookmark. click on the timeline where you want the bookmarkto be, and then click add bookmark. and this little circle will appear, and during your presentation you can justclick on it to jump to that spot. if i played the slide show right now, i wouldhave to click on the audio icon to start the music. but i would prefer if it started playingautomatically. you can change this by going to the audiooptions

group on the playback tab. and where it says start on click, you canchange this to automatically. and there are some other options that youcan change here. you can have the audio file loop continuouslyuntil you stop it, you can rewind it after it's done playing, you can hide the audio icon, and you can adjust the volume.

now i'm going to start the slide show to testthe intro music. it starts playing automatically, and it fades out nicely. if you want to change the appearance of theaudio icon, just select it and go to the format tab. and here you can make any kind of adjustmentthat you want.

or, you can even use one of your own pictures. in the adjust group, click the change picturecommand. then find the picture that you want to use, and click insert. then you can resize it if you want to. and i'm also going to change the color soit matches the slide. audio can add a lot of excitement to yourpresentation, and by using the format and playbacktabs to customize it,

you can make it even more impressive.

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