Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Chennai

my name is annette ramos. i'm the fashion editorat vice. and today you're at my housebecause i am babysitting for my parents' sugar gliders. i know that they'refrom australia.

How To Adopt A Child In Chennai, they're marsupials. they are closely relatedto koalas. they are called sugar glidersbecause of their preference for nectarous foods.

and they basically justeat fruit and insects. i'm feeding them peach yogurt. they hate all other flavors,though, which is weird. they are very easy to take careof-- apples, gatorade, and grain, and maybesome yogurt. their tails are so long becausethey can actually use them to wrap around things. and they have these crazylong tongues, too. they are, like, this long.

they clean themselves. you'll see them huddled up ina ball together just, like, licking each other. they have little flapsunderneath both of their arms. if you put them on a highledge, they fly off. no, no, no, you're notgoing in my closet. when we first got them, it tooka while to get used to them because they wouldjust jump on you. and sometimes, if you're notturned the right way, they'll

jump into your hair and just,like, dangle there. come on, yeah. [laugh] during the day, i let them crawlaround because they are normally really tameand sleepy. so they're not tryingto experiment. where is she? they actually sleepmost of the day. they're nocturnal, so they wakeup at 10:00 pm, normally,

and they go to bedaround 10:00 pm. but every now and then they wakeup during the day just to play, and then theygo back to sleep. but when they're awake,they're awake for, like, 12 hours. they love this wheel, whichis extremely loud. because they're awake all night,it's a little difficult taking care of them ina studio apartment. and then occasionally at night,they will bark if they

want your attention, like whenthey first wake up, they want to see you. my dogs, they're fascinatedby them. i have an italian greyhound. my little chihuahua reallylikes them too. she would just sniff at them ifyou have them in your hands when you're feeding them. i think they're about donewith us for today. they're going to go back tosleep and wake up at 10:00.

they don't want to playwith us anymore.

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