Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Child As A Single Woman

(peaceful instrumental music) - i'm adopted but i'm not damaged goods. - i'm adopted but i'm not less important than my parent's natural children. - but i'm not your model minority.

How To Adopt A Child As A Single Woman, - and i fought for my family. - i'm adopted and her race doesn't change the fact that she's my mom. - i'm adopted but i wasripped away from my country.

- but i wasn't my parent's last option. - i'm adopted and i'll probablynever find my birth family. - but i don't know where i'm from, i don't know my race and i don't know my heritage. - i am adopted but i have no idea who my biological parents are. - but i met my mom when i was 16. - the day my moms met, is aday that we'll never forget.

- i'm adopted and i livewith anxiety and depression. - but even so, i'm stillafraid of abandonment. - i'm adopted and i love myself. - and no it's not theeasy way to have a child. - i am adopted but i agedout of foster care at 21. - but neither of myfamilies are my real family, so please stop asking me that. - i'm adopted but i'mnot chinese or japanese or vietnamese, i'm korean.

- but sometimes i forgetbecause i sound just like my mother, seriously,it's kinda scary. - i'm adopted and threemoms are better than none. - but i love my moms. - and i know my birth mother loved me. - i'm adopted but there aremillions of youth like me that need families andsomeone to hold onto and just to love themand to care for them. - i'm adopted

and i plan to adopt wheni'm ready to have kids. - and i hope you adopt too.

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