Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Baby Zebra

just like human fingerprints, every zebra has a unique pattern of blackand white stripes. when zebras are in a herd, the zebra’s distinct stripes merge intoa big mass and make it harder for predators to singleout individual animals.

How To Adopt A Baby Zebra, zebra crossings, which are also called pedestriancrossings, are named after the black and white stripesof zebras. wild zebras live in africa, they are similarto horses and donkeys. zebras are highly social, and they will onlygo to sleep

if they are close to their neighbors so that they can be warned if a predator approaches. zebras stand up while sleeping. zebras can turn their ears in almost any direction and the ears of a zebra show its mood. for example, pulled backwards when angry, or standing erect when calm and friendly. zebras eat mostly grass. zebras have excellent eyesight and hearing.

zebra can run up to 65km/h, and they run from side to side (zig-zag) whenbeing chased by a predator. do you like zebras?

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