Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Baby Squirrel

- i'm coyote peterson, now this past week i got a great question from haziksafran, he wants to know "hey, coyote, can you still climb trees?" (adventurous music) like a cat!

How To Adopt A Baby Squirrel, (jungle themed music) (feet crunching in dry grass) alright, welcome back coyote pack! you all did a phenomenaljob this past week

asking questions aboutthe pine marten episode. one question that i want to answer that i thought was really unique came in from connor gray, and he asks "did you get more nervous climbing up the tree "after the pine marten, or more nervous when it was "in your hands, climbing back down?" that is a phenomenal question, connor. i'll tell you what, i was nervous

what was that? - [camera man} a branchfell out of the tree. - okay. as we all know this pine marten was raised in captivity so she was used to being around humans. when we let her go up into the tree she was excited, she was exploringaround all the branches and eventually went all the way up to the tippy top of the tree.

as i started scaling up after her, i was carrying a drift camera and i looked up and i said to myself "oh man, there is no wayi'm going to be able to "get that high up." the higher i got, honestly kind of the more nervous i got because the branches were getting thinner and thinner. fortunately shestarted to work her way back down towards me, and at that moment when we both kind of made contact

i think we formed abond and she trusted me. i think even she was a little nervous to be that high up in the tree. i gently took hold of her, scaled back down the tree, jumped to the ground, and then i was able to present the scene. look at her, how beautiful is that little mustelid? now the only time i wasactually really nervous is when i had her in my hands, and i was going back down.

the trainers did warn methat she is capable of giving a pretty nasty little bite if she gets scared. i made sure to just hold her gently, keep her calm, talk to her a little bit on the way down, and fortunately i escaped that encounter with no bites now i think we can all agree that the pine marten is probably the most adorable animal that we featured in the first season of breaking trail. so my last question here comes in from yolo, and they ask

"are pine martens so adorable so that things don't "suspect them of being dangerous?" that's a really interesting thought. i bet if you were a squirrel, you wouldn't think a pine marten is that adorable. i can tell you this much, the pine marten is one of the most ferocious members of the weasel family so i have to say, if you ever encounter one in the wild don't try to catch it, don't approach it.

admire it from a safe distance. remember, the one that i was working with was raised in captivityand she was used to being around humans. thanks for all the great questions this past week coyote pack, keep em coming! next week, if you ask a question about the crocodile conservation episode, i've got a pretty good feeling that it might get selected for behind the adventure.

i'm coyote peterson, be brave, stay wild, we'll see you next week. (animal sounds) - stay in clumps, for protection. - especially when they're just born like this, that makes it really easy for us to come and just snatch em. gotchya. (baby crocodiles chirping) baby crocodiles, listen to em chirpin'!

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