00:06comm: this brow bear cub knows how to cool off in the florida heat as he takes to thepool with his owner. 00:21comm: carl bovard owns and runs single vision a non profit wild animal sanctuary he opened9 years ago, as well as 2 bear cubs, he cares for 6 tigers, 2 lions, 2 cougars, 2 bobcatsand 2 alligators at the educational facility
How To Adopt A Baby Polar Bear, located in the backyard of his home in melrose,florida and carl is completely committed to looking after them 00:46carl: i love getting up early in the morning and working all day and working late in thenight, if i say i don't feel good it doesn't
matter these animals they still need to becared for. 00:56comm: among the youngest animals he looks after are his 2 bears, honey bear and bruiserbear 01:02carl: one of them is a florida black bear and the other is a syrian brown bear uh i'vehad them for uh about 4 months now i got them when they were 8 weeks old, bottle fed firstthing in the morning so uh each bear will take about 6 or 7 bottles right after another.bottle time, they're still 4 months old and on formula this is uh formula specificallydesigned form thats about 50% 50% fat, 30% protein um hasn't been inexpensive feedingthese bears uh and the 4 months have gone
over 1400 dollars worth of formula but itswhat makes them grow up so fast and stay healthy, they are starting on a diet of fruits andvegetables and things like that but they still love their bottle and we actually like tokeep them on the bottle as long as we can because this really enforces a bond that weare building with them throughout their lifetime we're like mumma, giving them their milk 02:04carl: hey honey bear what's that they go through the bottles pretty quick, people think itsfun feeding baby bears, its not that easy you take some scratches. 02:16carl: once he's done with the bottle you just
give him my arm and he just like to suck offoh say hi (laughs) 02:23comm: and after its feeding its time to cool off and while honey bear is happy to havea drink from the paddling pool, bruiser wants to get into the big pool for a swim 02:33carl: come on bruise, come on bruisie, you coming in? 03:02comm: but its not just fun and games at single vision, as carl's commitment to looking afterall of his animals comes with a desire to educate and inspire others
03:12carl: my goal now is to you know to have as many visitors come out here as we can, i feelthat if we have one guest that comes out here, a kid or something and gets a passion forthese animals and goes out and becomes a conservationist and then i think we've done our job.
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