Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How To Address A Letter To Vietnam

in march 2015, lithuania reinstated compulsorymilitary service in response to russia’s threatening territorial ambitions. this willgive the lithuanian army access to nearly 4,000 additional soldiers per year. for manycountries, the draft is an invaluable resource to bolster a nation’s military during timesof war. so which countries around the world still use conscription?

How To Address A Letter To Vietnam, well conscription, also called a draft, iswhen a country requires that young, physically and mentally healthy people must enlist inthe national military. historically, most drafts only recruited men, however some countries,like norway have recently introduced female conscription into the armed forces. any “conscientiousobjectors”, or people who refuse to fight

on moral, religious, or political grounds,are commonly given roles away from combat lines. conscription is actually a very old concept,and there’s evidence that in ancient egypt and ancient china a large number of soldierswere conscripted peasants. but in modern times, developed nations have seen a trend towardsrepealing draft laws, instead favoring voluntary armies. professional, volunteer armies areoften more highly skilled and motivated compared to their drafted counterparts. in 1973, theunited states got rid of the draft, although young men must still register with the governmentin case conscription is ever reinstated. within the european union, 7 members stillretain some form of conscription. these countries

are not at war and there have been recentpushes to abolish the draft. however, many people continue to vote in favor of conscriptionbecause they feel it brings communities together and inspires nationalism. the swiss, for example,believe that the draft unites their diverse nation, which has 4 distinct languages andcultures. other countries keep the draft because theyare continuously under the threat of war. countries like russia, south korea and israelare regularly involved in violent conflicts with their neighbors. having a large armyat their disposal is a necessity during an emergency. israel in particular, due to itsisolated position in hostile territory, has one of the longest conscription periods inthe developed world. men and women are asked

to serve for up to three years, and many seeactive service along the west bank and other flashpoints. while no country mandates indefinite conscription,countries like eritrea and north korea come close. in north korea, men and women are reportedlyrequired to serve for 10 and 7 years, and sometimes longer. human rights watch groupsclaim that widespread repression and forced labor during conscription are common. but in most countries, the chances of conscriptedcitizens seeing combat are slim. in norway, although about 60,000 may be called in forpreliminary screening, only 9,000 end up being drafted. also, in most places, men and womeneligible for the draft are usually able to

choose between community service work andnational defense. more than half of the world’s countrieswith active militaries do not maintain the draft. conscription as a practice was muchmore popular in early history, but as wars have changed, the draft has slowly lost itspurpose. still, for small countries like lithuania, it’s best to have the strongest armed forcepossible in the face of russian aggression. many countries use conscription to amplifytheir military strength. to learn more about the most powerful militaries in the world,check out our video. thanks for tuning in folks, and don’t forget to like and subscribebefore you go! we’ll see you next time on testtube news.

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