Friday, June 9, 2017

How To Address A Letter Spanish

you're nearing the endof your second term. and you must have a lotto be thankful for yourself. i do. and i thought,maybe if you'd like, you're more than welcome

How To Address A Letter Spanish, to write outsome thank-you notes right now. oh, that's a good useof my time. is that good? let's do that.

[ cheers and applause ] right here? yeah. you can sit right there. okay. all right. all right. here you go.i have notes right here for you. got the cards? here's a's a pen.

that's a nice pen.can i keep it? of course, yeah. [ laughter ] all right, roots, can i get some thank-you notewriting music, please? [ sad piano music plays ] there goes james. [ music stops ] thank you, my 2008 slogan,"yes, we can."

or as i now liketo call you, "yes, we did." that's good.i'll take that. i'll write one now, too. [ clears throat ] [ music resumes ] thank you, president obama'sbirth certificate. he used to carry you aroundto prove he was american. now he needs to carry you aroundto prove he's only 54. [ laughter and applause ]

that's not -- what? [ scoffs ]i didn't' write -- i didn't write it. i don't knowhow that got there. that's unbeliev--i don't know how that got there. how'd that sneak --sneak by the president? you're in trouble. thank you, questlove's hairstylist,

for inspiring meto bring back the "obama-fro" after i leavethe white house. hey, not bad. not bad. good-looking guy. thank you,hillary clinton, for possibly becomingthe first f-- president. i would have said "female," but someone deletedthe "emale."[e-mail]

[ audience ohs ] who did --how are these -- hey! you're going to getin trouble for this. you can'tleave these around. i'm so -- i'm appalled. i'm so sorry. hey, you're in trouble,whoever you -- i'm not surethis was a good idea.

sorry. i should have donemy thank-you notes on my own. after you. where's my music? thank you, congress,for spending eight years wishing you could replace mewith a republican. or,to put it another way... how do you like me now? [ laughs ]

you know how to do this. i have one final --one final thank-you note. here we go. thank you, president obama, for serving our nationwith dignity, class, patience, eloquence,optimism, and integrity. thus marking the first timeanyone has sincerely said, "thanks, obama." there you go, right there.

thank you so much. we'll see you soon. our thanks to the 44th presidentof the united states, barack obama!

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