hello, i am gareth jameson. i am an actorand a voice coach, and i teach people how to make changes to their voice. when you aregoing to do spanish accent, the first sound you are going to look at is the aa sound. i should point out that of course, there aremany variations of the spanish accent. because not only you got spain, you got the canaryislands, you got most of south america, some
How To Address A Letter Spain, central america, so it's a huge variation.this is just a general approach. so first of all, the aa sound, it's not likeour british r. it's a rolled r, rrr, technically called an alveolar trill rrr. if you can'tdo this, something that might help is to think of the word done.
any word that begins with letter d, and pushthat letter d really hard up here, up against the roof of your mouth, don't think aboutmaking an r at all, think about making a really weird pushed d, keep practicing that. so weuse that aa sound when we normally use our british a. so try this phrase "bring thisred caress,†“bring this red caress. †sometimes, it's really short, just onelittle roll "bring this red caress." now, let's look at the vowel sounds. in spanish,they have only five vowel sounds. whereas in english, we have around twelvedepending on how you measure them. so they have a, e, i, o and u, so only five. so theyencountered two different vowel sounds in english that are not existent in spanish,and they have to use one of the latter five.
so, for example in the word ship, we havethat vowel and we have sheep in sheep. so, ship i, sheep e, a spanish person cannot easilysay sheep. so there is no difference between, i mean, i bought a ship and the field is fullof sheep, to say. same is the case with vowel e and ai, lotof spanish people will confuse them and just say ai. we get pen becoming pen and pain,that i have hurt myself becoming pen, same sound. another one is the h sound. now, spanish has what's called a voiceless,uvular fricitive which is this sound at the back, back there instead of an h. so sometimes,you will hear people saying, "how are you henry?" "how are you henry?" "how are you",you better try that as well. something else
that might help is the ya sound at the beginningof words like you and yes. sounds spanish because people find it hardat the beginning of words, put in a ya sound. "how are you," "you can use my pen," "youcan use my pen, it's fine." like this. and the final thing we can look at is spanishdelivery. though in english, we have something we call stretch time, we stretch some wordsout and other words are very small like this. in spanish, every word is like this, reallylike a machine gun going like this. hold one syllable like this. this is how youspeak it if you want to speak with a spanish accent, like this very very machine gun.
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