Friday, June 9, 2017

How To Address A Letter Sized Envelope

hi! i am michael webb on behalf of right now we are going to be making a little more practical design, whichis an envelope, which can be used to, you know, store pretty much whatever you want.what we are going to do first is take a little change of pace and actually use a standarda4 sheet of paper and we are going to have it horizontally facing us, and just take itand make a horizontal fold long ways. some

How To Address A Letter Sized Envelope, call it hot dog style and just make that creaseand open it back up; and on the bottom half only, you are going to want to make the samecrease again and bring the bottom up to the center. again, you want to take that and openit back up. now on your very bottom fourth of the page, you want to take each cornerand flip it up until your bottom edge meets

that bottom crease that you just made; anddo that for both sides. now go ahead and tuck these under by moving this back up. now goahead and turn your paper over and you are going to flip it this way and make a creaseand open it back up and move each edge back into the center of that crease. now what you want to do is, you want to takeyour top here and you are going to fold it down. first go ahead and do that just to makea good crease, to seal that in and you are going to tuck each edge right here, underthese flaps.take a little bit of work and just kind of wiggle it on in there, go ahead and seal thatcrease again at the top and fold it inward and there you have an envelope which has pocketsboth in the front, and back, and on the inside,

which can store your various little knick-knacks.

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