are you a virgin, miss arora? please answer in yes or no...don't shake your head. no. we should've never gone there. it was quite a deep cut.
How To Address A Letter Sir Or Madam, what is done is done! you should throw thosethree girls out of your house! did something happen? how did he find out?
if we take action against him... ...then you will face charges as well. after all, you assaulted him, madam. you should've nevergone to the police! what do you think?we're scared of you. now we'll make you pay. i am bored you coward. so stop talking,and come and show me what you can do. help! help!
she's been charged under section 307,'attempt to murder'! but we filed a complaint against them... we've a warrant against her. what actually happenedbetween you & rajveer that night? who likes to be touchedin this manner, sir? forcibly! how long have you been soliciting? i do nothing of this sort. she's lying, your honor.
i am not lying.- then tell us, what is the problem? you tried defaminginnocent, decent boys. yes! objection, your honor! what clear indicationdid you give at that time... ...that right nowi'm not interested in sex? you took the asked for it! yes we took the money. then why did you do such a thing?
i was being held against my will. and if he does it again... ...i will hit him againwith the bottle on his head. you're a woman...of questionable character. sir, i didn't ask for the money. please listen to me, sir.they are lying. sir please. beep
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