hi, this is laura turner and today i'm goingto talk with you about how to write a letter of intent. a letter of intent is very importantfor any kind of application, whether it be a school application or an application fora job because this is a chance for you to actually tell people who are going to hireyou or who are going to accept you into the program what you're all about and why youwant to work there or to study there. first
How To Address A Letter Sample, of all your letter of intent should be addressedof course to the correct person, make sure that you put your name and address at thetop just like any sort of formal business letter and actually address it to the personthat you're going to be interviewing with hopefully. in the letter you should also specifythat it is a letter of intent by actually
sort of putting that in your title. so you'vegot here re: letter of intent. because whenever you're applying for programs or applying forjobs you may need to give them lots and lots of materials and you don't want them to beguessing you know, is this the personal statement or letter of intent, you know, you want itto be looking like a letter of intent rather than anything else, and you want them to knowexactly that you've got everything in your application. so letter of intent should bein the letter. and then finally in the bio letter itself you should tell the departmentor the job why you'd be good for them and of course if you need to do anything elseto tell them you know, how to contact you and stuff like that you can also put thatin your letter of intent. and that's just
some guidelines for writing your letter ofintent.
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