hi, i'm laura from youngwritersworkshop.com.i'm going to talk about how to write a condolence letter. it's a really, it can be a reallydifficult task to write a letter like this. and i think it's important to remember thatyou're reaching out to a person and spending the time. sending a letter is is probablythe most important thing you can do. try not to focus as much on how you say it as muchas what you say. and just the act of, of sharing
How To Address A Letter Salutation, some of your thoughts. if you're going towrite a letter, any letter start with a greeting or salutation and it's generally dear andhow ever you would address the person. it's always followed by a comma. in the body ofyour letter which is the next paragraph, the opening paragraph you want to say a littleabout expressing your, your sorrow for the
person's loss. and reflecting on your appreciationof the person that's been lost. i would include in your letter your wishes for the personthat you're writing to and their family. try to avoid or definitely avoid using words likei know exactly what you're going through. try and keep it the focus on the other, onthe person who's going to be receiving this letter. and express your willingness to helpin whatever way you can. include perhaps an invitation to get together or whatever itis that you can offer as a way to share in the persons experience and to support them.close the letter with a summary of your expression of sorrow or grief and then a standard closinglike sincerely comma and your name. that's a format and some ideas about how to writea condolence letter.
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