Saturday, June 3, 2017

How To Address A Job Letter

in this week's video, we're gonna go over how and why to write a cover letter. that's coming up! hey guys, i'm kim with snagajob, your number one source for hourly jobs and welcome to our weekly advice show. so you may be thinking, what is a cover letter in the first place? a cover letter is your chance to really show the employer that you can stand out from everyone else.

How To Address A Job Letter, that you're more than just an application. it lists your skill sets and why you're really interested in this position in the first place. why not all jobs will require you to write a cover letter, many jobs will give you the option to include one when you apply. and this is a really important step to get your foot in the door.

yes, it can take a little more work than just simply sending over your resume. but it can payoff. this shows the employer that you're willing to go above and beyond and it helps sell yourself. first things first. your cover letter should always be specific to the company and the position you're applying for. you can't just go in and change a few things and expect it to work every time. if possible, address this directly to the hiring manager. and besides just the regular spelling and formatting issues, be sure that your cover letter includes: first, the introduction. this should just be one or two sentences about who you are, the position you're applying for,

and how you found out about the open position. second, bring your skills to life. this is probably the most important section. show what you can bring to the table and how you can use your experiences to fit in with this particular position. if you have any statistics, you definitely want to throw those in there as it can prove to the employer that you're an asset to the team. third, why you're interested in the company. why do you want to work here is a common job interview question and think of this as practice. explain why you were drawn to the company and this particular position.

it may require a little research, but this will show the employer that you want this position and not just any position. fourth, closing. this is your final paragraph where you can discuss things like start date, best ways to contact you, that sort of information. be sure to thank the employer for their time and consideration. and end on a note like i look forward to hearing from you so the balls in their court. now that you're a pro, any chance you have to write a cover letter, make sure you take it. you'll put yourself out there for the employer and land the job. thanks for joining us today. if you like this video, please let us know so we know to keep making videos like this.

and if you have any questions about your job search, ask below and we'll be sure to get back to you. don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel by clicking that button right there and you'll get a new video every week. and if you're ready to get your job search started, click the button down there and we'll fill your inbox full of job opportunities in your area. have a good one!

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