Friday, June 2, 2017

How To Add Related Fractions

let's add thesetwo mixed numbers. 2 and 5/13 plus 7 and 6/13. and the way i like tothink about in my head, i like to separate out the mixednumbers into the whole number component and thefractional component.

How To Add Related Fractions, so we can rewrite 2 and5/13 as 2 plus 5 over 13. and then we can write that plus. and then 7 and 6/13, we canrewrite as plus 7 plus 6/13. so all i did is i rewrote this.

and i essentiallyexpanded it out. i broke up the mixed numbersinto their whole number parts and theirfractional parts. and then what ilike to do is i like to add the whole number parts. so this 2 plus this7, so i'll do that. so i'll do the 2plus 7 over here. i'll add those up. and to that, i will addthe fractional parts.

so to that, i will addthe 5/13 to the 6/13. so if we add the wholenumber parts, 2 plus 7 is 9, and the fractionalparts, they already have the same denominatorin this problem. 5/13 plus 6/13,same denominator. you're going to get 11/13. 5 plus 6 is 11. so you get 9 plus 11/13. well, that's just thesame thing as 9 and 11/13.

and we are done.

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