hi i'm serge siou and welcome to macstudioa. in this quick episode, how to capitalize wordsin ios 8 on the fly. the demo that follows, will show how to capitalizethe first letter of a word, the entire word or revert a word to small caps. this works on any app that uses the stockapple keyboard with quicktype keyboard active.
How To Activate Quicktype On Iphone 5, demo time. soooooo, let’s get started. the first thing, is to make sure that thepredictive text is turned on and the quicktype keyboard is visible, slide upwards here, asshown, if not.
to capitalize the first letter of a word: double tap on the word, to highlight it. then; tap once on the shift key, shown hereand as you’ll notice, the quicktype keyboard shows words with the first letters in caps.now simply tap on the word of choice. next, to capitalize the entire word, again,highlight the word, then double tap on the shift key, and as shown on the quicktype keyboard,all words are in caps, just tap on the word you want. finally, to revert a word to small caps, onceagain, highlight the word, then tap on the word from the quicktype keyboard.
and that’s all there is to it. thanks for watching and thumbs-up, if youliked this video, and please, don't forget to click that subscribe button, to be notifiedof the next episode. thanks and peace.
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