Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How To Activate Quicktype Bar On Iphone

hi today's quick tip is going tobe on some new text features that are in in yosemite that a lot ofpeople don't know about that are really helpful now if you use your iphone andtext messages and you get the suggestions that pop up that you're ableto

How To Activate Quicktype Bar On Iphone, click on in your text message areathey're kinda cool feature there also exists in yosemite but you do have to activate it using akeyboard commands so here's an example where i have a text edit document openif you want to know

where that application is it is inyour applications folder all macintosh computers have it for free it's a word processing program calledtextedit you simply go to your applications folder and look up textedit open it up and you can start typing now here totest this out i've typed the word tech which could betechnology technician a lot of different words ifyou go down to your keyboard you can not use the escapekey which is right here on your keyboard in the upper left hand

while you're in that word and see ihave my flashing cursor if i hit escape it automatically has text suggestions pop up if i want to actually used the word technologyi'm going to hit this key which is the return key toacknowledge it but let's say that's not the out onethat i wanted to use it was one of the ones that work for the down again i'm going to hit the escape keyand i'm going to use my arrow keys which here down at the bottom this is the up arrow this is the down arrow

so i'm going to again click escape and then i am going to use the downarrow key to pick the one that i wanted let's say it was techniques again hit return and accepts that nowlet's say for example i just typed the word techniques and i left the "i" out and at this point i'm it's actuallyspelled wrong if i highlighted at that and hit the control key which isthis key next to the function key while i do a mouse click, so control mouse i actually get are the correct spellinghere right at the top i use this

particular one all the time what i'm typing fast and are i skipped things around like here atlet's say the word blue i miss the e if are i highlight that it controlled click it doesn't really see it sometimesthat happens i if it doesn't know what the word isbut let's say i type blue with the escapekey it suddenly gives me selections forblue and i could take that out there i have the word blue

so this little technique is prettysimple you're just typing along the way you do tech you hit escape you pick the word that you like hit return andyou're good to go this could really be helpful if you'retyping like long words that you want to type fast i use that escape key i could really befaster sometimes then typing so i just for you now it isreally easy actually use and dad again we can try itagain i will do system and see what comes upfor that one

and there we go cell right away got itagain escape key hit return that's all there isto it hope you liked the tip

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