Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How To Activate Jailbroken Iphone 5

i need to know how to fix a jailbroken ipad. i get it, since you can’t get it fixed underthe warranty because it is jail broken. then there’s the question as to how i canfix it myself. restore to its defaults and take it into theapple genius bar and hope they don’t realize it was jail broken, jail breaked, whateverthey call it.

How To Activate Jailbroken Iphone 5, whatever the proper term, it is just brokennow. the site makeuseof’s suggestion is to downloaditunes or update it to the latest version, go to settings, pick icloud and turn off disabledfind my ipad. i know you can use the find my ipad tool toput a message on the ipad that says if lost

call me at such and such number. you can also use it to wipe the memory ofthe device to restore to factory defaults so there’s no personal data on it. and you’llneed it to disable the activation lock. i don’t want to lose all my data. that’s why you want to update itunes andhope you’ve already saved your data to the cloud. the next step is connecting the ipadto a mac with a usb cable and selecting the device in itunes when it pops up. i supposed that’s when i hit restore. yes, and it will be under the summary tab.

after i do the restore, i’ll probably haveto update the operating system. actually, a lot of people have to do a restoreon a jail-broken device just to update the ios, because updating itunes and the ios afterjail breaking regularly resulted in activation problems. it makes me wonder if the jail break is worthit. it depends on why you wanted freedom in thefirst place. but if you want to retain the jail break, you should decline the optionto create a backup. i’m guessing that’s because jailbreakplus update equals blue screen of death. after it has been restored, stay connectedand use your apple id to log in. if you have

to do a restore, try to do so using backupsfrom before the jail break. of course, so that it doesn’t look likei did anything really wrong before getting the geniuses at the genius bar to fix it. you could undo the jail break with a restoreas a new device via itunes using a stock ipsw file. i’ve heard of downloading the ipsw filelocally so you don’t get itunes errors when doing a restore. the difference in that case is that insteadof picking to restore the device from itunes, you hit shift and restore and pick the ipswfile you downloaded.

what if itunes isn’t working or unavailable? if you relied on the jail break for accessto the device because it was someone else’s, the device is bricked. if both the deviceand software errors are your problem, go to settings, general, reset, erase all contentand settings. i’ll get a confirmation message at thatpoint. all the apps and information is deleted, includingmost traces of a jail break. then you get to go through all the set up, including restoringitunes, just like it was new. just like new is better than it is today.

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