Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How To Activate Jailbroken Iphone 3gs

hey guys w0lfy here and today i'm gonna show you how to airplay an iphone 3gs or any idevice that doesn't have and airplay mirroring now you don't need an appletv to uses this

How To Activate Jailbroken Iphone 3gs, but you a jailbroken device and a pc laptop so let's get started so here is my iphone now you need to download a cydia tweak

called screensplitr like that and there it is and this is at the bigboss repo so you don't need to download anything i mean add repos and stuff okay now that's done let me just exit that now onto the computer part

now go to this link that will give you a "thing" called idemo now i'm gonna do this to show you that it works just click skip and there it its as you can see it's downloadable it's

not really "virusy" or anything that's just cancel that after you get and install idemo what you do is just click it now let's wait for idemo now it should arrive in this screen now what you do with your iphone is

click on screensplittr and you should arrive with this detected devices. just leftclick and there you go mirroring on you legacy device thanks for watching like comment andsubscribe and peace out

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