hey guys, this is austin and today i’m herewith a tutorial on how to set up and activate the iphone 5. the first stepis to get yourself a nano sim, not a micro sim like previous iphones have used.your iphone may have come with this but if not get one from your carrier.depending on the model you might get a sim eject tool but if not a bent paperclipwill work just fine. push it into
How To Activate Iphone Phone Number, the slot on the right side and the tray shouldpop out. all you need to do is drop your nano sim in the tray and slot itback into the iphone. now it’s time to set it up and activate. hold the powerbutton on top of the phone for a few seconds until it boots up. first step is topick the language which is pretty
straightforward. same goes for your country.to activate you’ll either need to connect to wi-fi or use the cellular connectionbut it’s best to use wi-fi. connect to your network and then the phonewill activate itself. this can take anything from a few seconds to a few minutes.next up we have location services which uses gps to tag photos andlet apps find you so enable this unless you would prefer it off. it will askyou to set up as a new phone or restore from a backup. if you’re upgradingfrom an older iphone feel free to restore but if not just set up as new. movingon it will ask you to create an apple id. this is the account used with ipods,ipads and itunes. odds are you
already have one so log in or create a newapple id if not. agree to the fine print and it will get everything set up. nowyou have the option to use icloud. this will back up data like photos, contactsand more and can be quite useful but of course you can skip it if you like.if you enable icloud you can back up your iphone to icloud automatically or justuse itunes on your computer. next we have find my iphone which will helpyou find your phone if it’s lost or stolen. the iphone 5 uses email addressesto allow people to contact you with imessages and facetime so here you canchoose which you want to use. it will also ask you if you want to use sirior not so go ahead and turn it on as it
can be quite helpful. lastly we have diagnosticswhich will send usage data to apple. nicely done, you have your iphone 5set up. try making a test call, it should work however if it doesn’t your carriermight have additional steps such as calling a number to finish activating.if you found this helpful don’t forget to leave this video a thumbs up andif you’re interested in more iphone 5 videos be sure to subscribe!
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