Thursday, May 18, 2017

How To Activate Iphone Phone Number Verizon

want to bypass the activation screen on anandroid prepaid phone? keep watching. i'll show you how to do it on an lg optimus exceed2. this phone is right out of the package. i just charged it and i'm starting it up's running android version 4.4.2. when the verizon screen goes away, the next screenyou'll see is the set language screen. this is exactly where we need to be. to bypassphone activation, follow these button steps.

How To Activate Iphone Phone Number Verizon, in a quick sequence, start with volume up,volume down, back button and then the home button. just like that, the phone is readyto be used as a wifi device. now confirm that you want to leave the set up wizard and that'sit! i don't have any intentions of using this phone as a phone so now i can now start surfingthe web, download apps and play music and

videos. ok, so before i end this video letme show you the steps one more time. just press the volume up, volume down, back buttonand then the home button. this is pretty slick and the best part is that i got this phonefor $20. you will have to set up a google account if you want to download apps or musicfrom the google play store or access gmail but that's also easy to set up. please giveme a thumbs up if this video helped you and don't forget to subscribe to my channel formore how to videos and product reviews.

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