Thursday, May 18, 2017

How To Activate Iphone Philippines

at&t premier do you want to activate the newwireless device you received after you requested adevice upgrade or placed a port ortransfer order? let us show you how easy it isto activate a wireless device

How To Activate Iphone Philippines, online with premier. activate your wireless deviceonline if the new device is for an existing wireless number. before you begin,

transfer your photos, videosand contacts from your current device toyour new device. this is important because afteryou activate the new device, you won't be able to retrieveinformation from your old one. if you need help, use theat&t mobile transfer app at which works for most phones. don't put the sim card fromyour old device in the new device, since this cancause problems.

first we'll show you how tofind your imei number and sim (or iccid) card numberon your new device. you'll need these numbers later. you can find the imei numberand sim card number on the papers shipped with yournew device. or you can get this informationfrom the new device itself. if your new device is anapple product, tap "settings," then "general,"and then "about." the imei and sim card numbersappear onscreen.

other device types may have amenu option that provides the imei and sim card numbers. for details, consult yourowner's manual. if your new device doesn't havea menu option for viewing this information, also refer tothe owner's manual. if you can't find the imei orsim card number using any of these methods, remove the backcover of the device and remove the battery. you'll find the 15-digitimei number printed on a

white sticker. while the battery is still out,carefully remove the sim card from the device. notice the 19 or 20-digitnumber on the front of the sim card. if you removed the battery andsim card, replace them now and turn on your device. now we're ready to activateyour new device. the confirmation email youreceived when you placed

the order for your new devicecontains a link to the online activation process. if you can't find theconfirmation email, you can also get to the onlineactivation process from the premier home page. from the "i want to" list,select "activate device" and click go. then follow the instructionsto activate your device. when you're done,test the device.

make sure the device is fullycharged and then place a call. if the call is successful,your device is active! if the call wasn't successful,wait a little while and try again. if your device isn't activewithin 3 hours, contact premier support at866.499.8008, monday through friday, between8 a.m. and 10 p.m. eastern time for assistance. thank you for learning moreabout premier.

and thank you for choosing at&t.

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