Saturday, April 29, 2017

How Long To Boil Eggs For Easter

hi, this is deborah. i'm going to show youhow to dye easter eggs using a natural material. in this case we're going to use blackberriesand i've started my water in the pan, i have no eggs in it yet, i'm going to put just abouthalf a cup of vinegar in the water. that's help set the natural dye. now i've got somemushed up blackberries here that i picked and had in the freezer actually. i'm goingto just put them in the water and stir the

How Long To Boil Eggs For Easter, water around and get it boiling. so i justdump those in the water and i'm going to put in some eggs to boil. we'll see what colorthey come out. should be kind of a pinkish purplish color. it might take a minute ortwo. actually its going to take about 15 because you have to, these are raw eggs and you haveto actually boil them in the dyed water for

the period of time that you need to boil hard-boiledeggs for. so we'll take a look at them in about 15 minutes and see how they look. alright, and now its been 15 minutes, i'mgoing to turn off my water, my blackberries have been boiling and some vinegar in withmy eggs and natural looking dyed easter egg. it's kind of an eggplant color. let's seehere's another one, came out a little bit different. this one kind of came out a littlemore dyed on some parts sort of speckledy looking but it's definitely a purplish eggplantcolor. very nice. put them in the tray with our other ones. woohoo, they're hot. so again,you can use any kind of product around your house that has color to it. i know coffeewill make a beautiful brown color. so that's

a good thing to do with your leftover coffeeif you have any leftover. anyway, naturally dyed eggs, they're the way to go.

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