Saturday, April 29, 2017

How Long To Boil Eggs For Easter Decorating

hi, i'm gary for expert village. another waythat we can decorate an egg is by first draining the inside of the egg from the shell. theway that we do this is that we very gently take a needle and we poke the top end andthe bottom end into the shell. you have to be very careful and then we kind of move thepin around so that it creates a little bit of a wider hole. now that we have two holes,we can either let it, put it on some type

How Long To Boil Eggs For Easter Decorating, of a stand where it will be held over a bowland it will actually drip out. or we can actually just kind of blow into it and it will actuallystart to come out the other side. it takes it a while but this will create a nice shelland this way the egg, we're not so worried about it breaking and making a mess even thoughyou still have to be careful with it. we're

going to take some flowers and some leavesand we can actually glue it onto the egg, it makes a really nice decoration. so thisis really, once you have the egg, once it's drained there is so many different optionsof how to decorate the shell either by painting, either by using special markers, or actuallygluing different types of images on the shell of the egg like we're going to show you. onceall the egg has dripped out, after either letting it sit and drip or we can actuallyblow into the other side and have it drain out, but you can tell that it is empty. you'llbe able to feel that nothing will be moving around and we should then take it and washit off very gently and make sure it nice and clean before we start applying any type ofimages or any type of paints. we just want

to make sure that any kind of egg that drippedaround the outside, is totally removed.

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