Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How To Animate Photos

hi, i'm gary for expert village. i'm goingto make my final changes to the image, and then i'm going to go ahead and save it. ihave decided after playing around with it a little bit, i like the faster transition.and but i do want to keep the first and the last frame on for a little bit longer. soi'm going to keep that on for a second, and the ones in the middle i am going to put backto 0. going to do that by holding down the

How To Animate Photos, shift key and click on the 1st and last onin the series, having them all highlighted; i will just pick one of them and change itto no delay, that's going to put us back 0 seconds. and i am going to go ahead and testit just to see if that's the effect that i want. and i see that is basically what i amlooking for. the first and the last image

stays on a little bit longer so you can geta little bit more of and idea of what the transition is doing and you see the both imagesfor a little bit longer, but the middle is going much quicker. and that's basically theeffect that i am looking for. so i am going to go ahead and stop it. so what i am goingto do now is save it as a final image that i am going to be using to put into emailsor websites, however i am going to use it. i am going to save the final image that willlet us use it in our files. the way to do that is we have now in the file menu, saveas command. but we click on the save as command i wan to save it as a gif file. that's whatwebsites and out email is going to be able to use for the animation to put it insidethose files. we see here if we do save as

we don't have that option. it only has saveas photo shop file. so, i'm going to click on cancel. and what we need to do is clickon our keyboard, we need to hold down on the control, alt and the shift key and click onthe s key, that brings us up to save optimized as. and over there we are going to be ableto select a gif image. we have html, gif, and we are going to be able to save it asa gif image. and i am going to go ahead and select that and i am going to go ahead andchange the name to clown final. and, that's how we save it as a gif image. and that'show it is going to be able to be used in our files. so, again remember it is control, alt,shift keys all held down at the same time and the s key and that brings us up to thesave optimized as.

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