Saturday, July 8, 2017

How To Animate In Xna

what is your opinion of xna vs unity vs udk? udk does fps out of the box, but it requiresengine manipulation to do other game types. i’m willing to do fps with any tla if itsells. what is a tla? three letter acronym. so i get a good fpswith udk, but what do i pay for that functionality?

How To Animate In Xna, udk is free if your games are free. get paidfor the games, and you have to pay a hundred dollars for the license, and about a quarterof the sales revenue for any game built with the tool after you make 50k. i’m willing to pay license fees if it generates50k profit. it is the three thousand dollar

unity package that concerns me. unity is available for free, but the freeversion lacks the advanced lighting and gfx. so it does not make as pretty of picturesout of the box. what does unreal cost? unreal engine 4 is available now for $19 amonth plus 5% royalties. that’s a pretty good deal. what does thegame engine put out in terms of graphics? udk has decent graphics. not as pretty ascryengine, though, but cryengine’s learning curve makes a lot of people cry. that’s why cryengine is not even being consideredhere. what do you think of unity versus udk on learning curve?

unity is purportedly easier to use, out ofthe box, but you have to pay for plug-in modules and those can be hard to find out how to use. what about the professional version? unity pro’s advantages include being availablefor a lot of different operating systems and a lot of functionality. and you can importfiles from pretty much any package. i would prefer everything in one package. unreal development kit, also known as udk,is very powerful. not much use if it dies as often as some othertools i’ve worked with. unreal is very robust and rarely crashes.

what do you think about xna? lifehacker proudly announced in 2013 thatxna was dead. reddit has whole debates on what to use instead of xna. i’ve heard you should use xna; and ageismis rife in the computing world, but they still use lisp and haskell decades after you’dthink its dead. microsoft stopped supporting xna in 2014.and they are not putting out a new version the way they made a windows 10. what is their alternative? we’ve been talking about the alternatives,unity and udk. but xna is dead, and it is

not even going to go on zombie the way myspacedid. do you think unity is better? unity is better unless you really, reallywant to tinker with the game engine.

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