Saturday, July 8, 2017

How To Animate In Powerpoint

hey there! so you have a big presentation coming upand you want to make your powerpoint really pop today's tutorial, i'm going to show you howto make that happen.

How To Animate In Powerpoint, stay tuned so we're going to work in both the mac & microsoftversions of powerpoint and here’s a quick clip of what we're goingto make so when i say making your presentation “pop”,i literally mean an image coming out at you

it’s almost like a pull quote. you want to draw in the audience’s attention. to do this, you make an image largerand i personally like to turn down the opacity of the other imagesbecause it kind of gives that depth of field perspective but before we get started,i want to show you two things really quick: 1) do not use an image with a white backgroundunless your background is white and you can’t tell the differenceit just does not look clean take the two extra seconds to insta alphait or remove the background color

2) if you 're too lazy to do that,go to google chrome > images > tools > color > and click transparent it'll give you a png image with no background so back to the powerpoint i have all the images in here alreadyso what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the opacity down i'll hightlight them all > hit styleand i'll turn the opacity down to 30% i'm going to copy and paste this multipletimes which we'll do eight times

so first off, what i'm going to do is go tothe first slide click the first emojiand scale it turn the opacity forward and as you can see, it sticks out among therest of them then i'll go to the fourth slidechoose the second emoji scale that one upwe'll turn the opacity up on that one as you can see here, the other emojis overlapit so what we're going to do is right click,bring to front next one- third emojiturn the opacity up

like the last one, bring it to front and the very last one,the very angry emoji bring to frontturn the opacity up so now that looks pretty goodbut what we're going to do next is go to animateand highlight all these by holding down shift and add the transition magic movenow when i play it, first one goes,second one goes, third one goes,and the last one goes, so that looks good

if you don't want to wait for these to move,set it up so that the transition starts automatically so you don't have to wait until the next thing thanks for watching! i hope you enjoyed it. if you liked it, give it a thumbs up downbelow and don't forget to comment with new ideas. the hardest part about making these videosis coming up with the idea so i would really appreciate it if you lefta comment down below

and don't forget to check back next monday! see you next week. bye!

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