*high-five* top of the morning to you laddies! my name is jacksepticeye! and welcome to a game called "a good husband" where my goal is to be the
How To Animate Good, best damn husband, that i could ever be this women is not even going to know what hit her it's just going to be a big wave of awesomeness k, "press start to begin"
let's go!... ummm... this is me! "mr. stick husband man" i-.. i may not look like much, i may look like the most feeble little man, there ever was! but i swear! i'm going to be a terrific husband! watch this, look! eee- fuckin' mow the lawn!
what?! i can't hear you over the sound of how much of, i-.. being- a good husband i am! okay.. we didn't mow the lawn (+100 points!, points total: 100) we mowed a strip in it i couldn't even mow anymore okay, let's go inside, and see if my wife is in there! surely she is! lo- oh wait! no- we gotta go get the mail first!
watch this! thhsss-..... *awkward silence* woo- waa- a-aa-.. we have no mail! and also! we live on the edge of the universe! wife! i mean- um-
honey poo dearest! jack's home! yeah.. is she even here? ummm... wife: get rid of these dumb trophies! i'm sorry these are from my college days! oh- that was two years ago... those are from my college days!
i was an actual cow bench pressing champion i know! that's not a normal thing, uh- where you guys live but, when you go to the college of b o s s you just bench press cows! okay, we're going to be a good husband! we're not going to say anything bad about my wife! even if she is a bit- ohhhhhh!
hey! look at this! pay the bills! *normal-human typing* all bills payed (+25 points!, points total: 125) i'm a good husband! hhiiiii! honey poo dearest! wife: stop blocking the tv! well i'm sorry, jesus christ!
one year ago wife: this story is stupid, no one wants to hear it! why am i married to this woman?! well, to be fair, i mean, just look at her she may be a bitch, but look at those legs! *inception?* daaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn ask her about the bill oh god, here we go
wife: take care of that bill! what's this bill for? did you get a new masseur called steve?! i told you, i did not want you to be going near that guy! he's very "handsy" and i think he has a 'thing' for you! *normal-human washing* this is how i "clean" dishes apparently
"take out the trash" can i put my wife inside the bag then? cause that would really be taking out the trash! *evil laughing* umm.. hon- on- honey poo? i'm gonna go upstairs... to take a shower? is that okay? *silence*
k, loveeeee youuuuuu..... three months ago wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhaaat?! *laughing in.... joy?* oh my god, it's like watching two cupboard boxes have sex! *okay he's laughing in too much joy now* i knew he cheated on me with steve! i told you!!! not to go near him!!!!!
"grab your gun" *gun loads* wo- o-o- wha-a-a-a-what? "shoot her" shoot her! *jack's suffering with his wife ends* *laughing* *jack spends life in prison* *jack's suffering with his wife ends, in a different universe*
*laughing, in a different universe* *jack spends no time in prison, in a different universe* "best game" 10/10 - jacksepticeye subscribe to the animator of the video, watch the original video, and subscribe to jack! hon- ha- honey poo? i'm gonna go upstairs, take a shower... k, loveeeeee youuuuuu...
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