Friday, July 7, 2017

How To Animate Gif In Email

apple’s live photos are, by design, somethingmost people don’t really think about. you just take your still photos as you alwayswould, and ios automatically captures a bit of footage from before and after the photo and turns it into a little animation. sometimes these animations are amazing. a littlecoincidental gems that you never would have nabbed otherwise. often, though, they’reblurry, shaky messes that you don’t really want.

How To Animate Gif In Email, google just released an app to try and fixthis. called motion stills, the new app exists prettymuch solely to improve your live photos. borrowing much of what google has learned from its videostabilization efforts on youtube and other projects, the app analyzes your live photosand does a bunch of crazy stuff in no time

flat. the app throws out blurry frames, determineswhat’s in the background and what’s in the foreground and actually isolates themfor better stabilization, tries to determine the best starting and end point for the loop, and thenmakes a gif for you to share. what this means is, instead of only beingable to share live photos with friends with compatible photos, you can now post you stashof artsy and beautiful moments with the entire internet, be it facebook, email, or chat aseither a video clip or a gif. the app only exists on ios for now which makessense, given that live photos are pretty much exclusively an iphone thing. if you want toget the most out of your live photos, you can find motion stills in the ios app storestarting today.

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