in this week’s costume project we’ll adda spooky animated eyeball display to the band of a bowler hat. this is just one project you can build withphil b’s guide for electronic animated eyes using teensy 3.1 or 3.2. check out the linkin the description for more suggestions and to grab all the sample code and other infoyou need to build your own.
How To Animate Eyes, follow the wiring instructions to solder upthe power switch to the lipoly backpack board, and the oled or tft display to the teensy,and route the wires back to the hat’s ribbon bow. the battery can go further back in the ribbonband, and the main electronics here are obscured
by the hat’s feather accent. the screen shows through a hole in the ribbonband you’ll cut to match the size of your acrylic half dome, which you can get at aplastics store or online. to hold the cabochon in place, we’re usinga 3d printed gasket, but you could also just cut one out of rubber or leather. sew the gasket through the ribbon, displaymounting holes, and main hat material to the inside of hat using two needles at once, thentie knots on the inside. let us know what wearable electronics you’rebuilding for halloween, and for more costume project tutorials, check out the playlistat the link in the description and don’t
forget to subscribe.
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