Saturday, July 1, 2017

How To Airdrop Something On A Mac

tonight i’m going to show you how to useairdrop on your mac computer. you can airdrop with another mac with an iphone or with anipad. it is a really useful tool for sharing documents movies and images. so to begin withi asked the person that i am going to share a document with to open up their finder if you look down here at the bottom of your tool bar that’s one of the places thatyou can find your finder. so when you click

How To Airdrop Something On A Mac, on your finder window you should have a sidebar.and on your sidebar you can have airdrop. if you don’t have air drop on your sidebarif you just click on finder and preferences you’ll see right here where it says airdropand you just click on it and it’ll appear on your sidebar. so, i’m going to clickon airdrop right here. now the person sitting

next to you will become visible. i’m workingwith a mac that is a little bit older than this one and so it’s not appearing and soi am going to click on don’t see who you’re looking for and then i’m in a click on searchfor an older mac. and there’s my macbook pro; it’s now appeared. so now you’veopened up the communication between the two computers. the easiest way to share a documentis to open up the file. (double clicking sound) i’m clicking on an image. (pause) therewe go and there’s a little box right up here that has an arrow shooting out of it,and it says share. if you click on that box you can select airdrop. so now it’s gotmy picture and its showing the macbook pro, that appeared earlier in my finder window,if i click on that it’s going to say waiting

and it’s now trying to communicate withthe other computer. my other computer has now received the message because i just heardit click over there and we’re done. my image has been sent. if you are on the receivingend, you’re going to go ahead again and you’re going to open up that airdrop windowand i’m going to send a picture from my other computer and i am going to do exactlysame thing, and i know that you can’t see it right, now because you have to two to computersto do this, but i’ve just clicked on my image. i’m selecting my computer. and nowit’s going to send it over here to this one. so you see how that little blue linewhen around right here around this and now if i open up my downloads i have receivedthe image. that’s a picture of me at a girl

scout conference. that is how you use airdrop.

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