Friday, June 30, 2017

How To Airdrop Notes From Iphone To Ipad

if you're looking for a very easy app toget started with sketch notes, i would suggest the notes app which comes with apple ios devices. they will have to have been updated to ios version 9. when you openthe app you will get this screen and you will need to update your notes, whichmay take a few seconds or two minutes based on how many notes that you have. so here is my notes app inside. if i go to this

How To Airdrop Notes From Iphone To Ipad, top corner right here and press on thelittle icon that looks like a piece of paper with a pencil it will start a newnote. i can type in a title if i want, i don't have to. go down here, i can hidethe tools, the typing tools. and then when i look over here i will see where i canadd a photo. but the one that we want

is this one down here which is like alittle squiggly line. that's going to open up the the drawingtools. the drawing tools are very simple very intuitive which is a great place to start withsketchnotes. not a whole lot of options: the pencil tool just draws a skinnyline, the marker draws a thicker line and that does have some transparency. so what'sgreat about that is you can over lines that are already drawn and add somecolor underneath it. and then the third tool is the pencil which has kind of anice grainy feature to it. this right here is the ruler, and this isa feature most drawing apps don't have. you can put the ruler in, and i find thisworks best easiest with the marker and

best with the marker but it allows youto draw straight lines. then when i'm done i just can't move that ruler out ofthe way. the final thing is there is an eraser tool. you have colors,obviously, and if you slide along you have three sets of colors that you can use, so not a whole lot of options there but enough that you can do some pretty great and amazing and creative things with your drawings and it is very easy to usethis app for sketchnotes. when you are done, you go up to this corner here. itwill give you some options for sharing and can save the image toyour camera roll. you can also mail, use air drop to transfer, and a lot of other places that you can put it as well. if you just

want to keep it within your notes app, you would simply have to go up here to "done" and your note is saved. so that's allthere is to it, great place to start your sketch notesby using the apple notes app!

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