Friday, June 30, 2017

How To Airdrop Movies

welcome to my video on how to convertan mov file to an avi file, so it can beuploaded to windows movie maker. lets get started! ok! now i've already uploaded an mov file for the purpose of this video. now the file is just a very short video

How To Airdrop Movies, of me playing the guitar. now... if i try to upload that mov file now. it will not upload to windows movie maker and the reason is that mov filesaren't compatible.

however! there is a tip that i can show you that allows you to very easily change the mov file to an avi file, without having to download any additional software, it's really easy! now you need to click on the folder icon at the bottom left of the screen and then go to 'view', then go to 'options' then go to 'change folder and search options'. now... on the new 'folder options' window clickon the 'view' tab and there's an option here that says 'hideextensions for known file types'. so we need to un-tick that, click 'apply' and then click

'ok'. now once you've done that you come over to your file and you go to rename it! and now you can see the file extension is there. so if we just take that away andtype 'avi' and then click 'enter'. now it comes up with a message saying that the file might becomeunusable now there is a chance that the file, when it's converted from mov to avi, might not work again, so you'll probably be best to do a back up of

the mov file before trying this but i'd say ninety-nine percent of thetime the encoding is going to be very similarand it will transfer through, every time i've tried it sofar it's worked for me, so i'm going to click on 'yes'. now i have my avi file now i'm going to upload that avi file so i'm going to click 'browse for videos' click on my avi file and the movie is preparing for your file,so this might take a moment, although it's a

very short video so i think we'll just wait... (short pause) excellent so it's uploaded! i won't play it for very long just to prove a point! that's it! so it is working. so that's howyou would very quickly convert an mov file to an avi file so that it then uploads to windows movie maker orwhich ever video editor you are using. thanks forwatching my video hope you found this useful, please feelfree to add a like or a comment below.

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