Friday, June 30, 2017

How To Airdrop Location

march 11th 2003 marked a milestone inmilitary history at eglin air force base in floridaunited states tested a new super weapon moab short formassive ordnance air burst quickly became known as the mother ofall bombs

How To Airdrop Location, these massive weapon creates a blastradius stretching a mile in each direction the moab is made out of aluminum skin a very thin aluminum skin, and thereason we did it that way was in order

to maximize the blast the fact we do notwant the airframe the bomb to interfere with thedevelopment of the blast wave that has the impact to the target the world's largest non-nuclear weaponmoab is over 30 feet long and weighs more than 21,000's no easy task to accurately maneuvers such a behemoth through the sky toward its target engineers overcame the challenge witha great fin design that provides great aerodynamic lift

during carriage these four great fansare folded forward onto the bomb in order that it makes avery compact design for carriage when the weapon isdeployed out the back end up the c 130 the finsare subsequently deployed with aerodynamic assisting in thedeployment because the wind is coming from the forward of the bomb, once it's inits flight configuration as it is shown here that is able to control the bomb andfly it to its designated target although moab was fast-tracked foroperation iraqi freedom

the lack of enemy resistance kept itgrounded but its successful test run servechilling notice of a powerful new force the largest guided bomb in the history of theworld but the tremendous impact and detonation on this explosive really just shocked the area and the shockwave could be heard for miles andmiles

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