now a days there are tonsand tons of options that allow you to create a better workflowand automation on devices. however, on an iphone andios device those things are very very limited until now.hey everybody, this is mark with iappletech128 and todaywe're going to be reviewing workflow.
How To Airdrop Ibooks Pdf, so basically what this appdoes as you can see in the example here it allows youto create workflows or automation processes, what ever you wantto call it, it do simple things. so for this we're making ananimated gif. we're going to
preview it and then share just makes steps really really easy so you don't have tofollow these other things. it makes is really simple.and this is probably one of the coolest apps that i've evertried out in a long time. so we're going to betaking a look at this and some of the thingsthat you can do with it. so to get your started theydo have some examples, some popular ones that you can use,such as clearing your clipboard or some major topics likesharing so you can share
your photos or airdrop yourscreenshots. a whole bunch of things that will makes thingsreally really easy if you don't know where to start. however,if you want to be risky and try it yourself you can go aheadand click that plus button in your workflow section and thenjust pick what ever you want. it will automatically checkcompatibility and limit your list based on what's compatible andwhat's not so you don't have to worry about nothing not working.right here what i'm doing in this example is i'm going to be using my phoneto capture a qr code. that's then
going to preview me that urland it is going to copy that to my clipboard, which will allow me to open in a webbrowser and paste it in there. the second to coolest thing...yes, it's second to coolest. is that you can add these actionto your home screen. it creates a custom url,which you can then add to your home screen. and then it takesyou to safari. then just click "add to home screen", enter inthe name, and once you click that it will automatically runthat workflow in workflow and then it will make that process somuch easier. you don't have to
go into the app, click yourworkflow, and then click "run". it automatically runs it for lets get to my favorite thing. this is an action takes advantage of ios 8 and allows you to have a sharingwidget with under the share underneath the share menuin safari or any other app and then it allows you to makethese so much easier as well so you don't have to go into yourworkflow app or even a home screen. it's within the share if you want to enable that all you have to do is just create aworkflow with that then go
into your place that you're goingto be sharing it with and then click the share button, edit, make surethat the workflow thing is enabled for your share options and then it bringup that page when you tap it, click what ever oneyou want, or it does suggest some that aren't yours, and then it automaticallydoes it for me. i'm going to be turning this website into a pdf andthen opening it in ibooks. now this app is fairly similar toapp known as "if this then that", also know as "ifttt". and this does a couple ofthe same actions as well, however that mainly social networks and website and services,where this one is a little less
limited on the side of networksand services, however you do get so much more ability to do thingsthat aren't services, such as clearing your clipboard, pasting something in,scanning a qr code. you cannot do that with ifttt, but you can with workflow.overall, this is an absolutely amazing app. it blows ifttt out of the water andfor only $2.99 there's no risk at all for tryingit. you have to try it. it's an amazing app and i highly recommend it. butanyway, that's all for this video. let me know what your actions areand workflows that you've created and what you just are coming upwith and that i can take advantage of.
but anyway, that's all for this videos.thanks so much for watching. this is mark and have a great day.
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