Saturday, June 24, 2017

How To Adopt A Girlfriend's Child

anger apparently used a toy to entice the boy? reporter: that's right. the

How To Adopt A Girlfriend's Child, boy's mother told me the man had a ball and in fact that ball is in evidence here at the forest hills

police department. they are taking it very seriously, they worry that there is a machine out there cruising the streets and when he saw a boy alone he pounced. >> i'm just really worried. i don't know if they've been

watching the house. reporter: jessica smith has never felt scared at her home on greensburg pike near lenox in forest hills. that changed at 8:00 friday night.

she says she was sitting in her car, her 4-year-old son just a few feet away in the yard. >> he was playing right over there digging dirt with a stick when a car approached. reporter: jessica could see the

person in the car but he probably couldn't see her. he might have thought the boy was outside all alone and she says he called out to her son. >> he said, come here, come here, buddy he kept saying it.

reporter: then jessica said driver held out a ball. >> he had the ball in his hand and he was reaching it out the window trying to like lure my son in. reporter: she yelled and ran to the car, the driver dropping the

ball and speeding off leaving jessica scared for her family's safety. >> it could have been that fast he could have ran out the car and grabbed him and i wouldn't have had my son.

>> when you have a lot of people on a roadway for to you stop for whatever reason to talk to somebody that you don't really know that leads to suspicion. reporter: forest hills police are on alert trying to find the suspect, a white man possibly in

his 50s, dark hair, some facial hair and black-rimmed glasses. his vehicle was likely an older model dark green or black four-door car. >> stay close to your children because you never know.

i never thought a situation like this would ever happen to me. reporter: the chief says it's possible this is some kind of misunderstanding, they really want to find that person who was in the car to figure out exactly

what he was trying to do.

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