Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Virtual Families

hey guys, i am here with skipper. skipper: hey! and because so many of you asked for it, we're doinganother food challenge. what food challenge is it? skipper: ugh! the baby food challenge. everyone's doing it.

How To Adopt A Child Virtual Families, alright, let's go. skipper: open wide! mmm. that's actually not bad...skipper: what? yeah, it tastes like, like a, pumpkin.

skipper: nope. mac and cheese. what?! skipper: want another bite? i like it...skipper: taste the cheese yet?barbie: no...skipper: weird. (skipper laughs) she keeps laughing like thatand it's a weird color so i'm a little nervous. mmm.. peas. (skipper laughs) skipper: just peasbarbie: just peas? skipper: yeah, look at it!you should try it again,you might like it this time.

no no i'm good -i'll try -skipper: oh come on!barbie: i'll try itif you try it. skipper: you don't have to.barbie: yeah, i thought so. woah, that's easy. it's apple sauce, like a cranberry... skipper: woah, you're gettingreally good at this.barbie: yeah?! skipper: it's apples and blueberries.barbie: yes! oh umm....skipper: delicious? barbie: no. like a turk - there's there's like a chicken.skipper: yeah, well turkey. ugh!skipper: and?barbie: i don't know. skipper: grains and sweet potato.

skipper: you should haveanother bite.barbie: i should not, but thank you. (skipper laugh)skipper: oh, oh, oh... skipper: it was misdirection what i was doing at the beginning. (barbie laughs)is that what that was?(skipper laughs) she's a wiley one. pears, it's pears.skipper: yes! (laughs)barbie: yes! skipper: is there a professionyou can do this for? maybe, i think i can make a lot of money. skipper: wooo, i'm not even madat the way this one smells.

bananas? apricots? skipper: think fall. pumpkin?skipper: yes!barbie: really?(skipper laughs) skipper: just eat it. i have no idea.skipper: you should have more then!barbie: noo... this one is a little grittier. skipper: it's chicken andvegtables. it is?skipper: yeah, like chicken soup. it does not taste like that.

skipper: ding!barbie: so how'd i do?skipper: skipper: two for sure.barbie: ok.skipper: and then...let's see.. skipper: you got a half there and there..oh..i'm going to create a new algorithm for it! skipper: but you know, we shouldn't let this go to waste.barbie: ok skipper: just a little more.barbie: just a little more.(skipper laughs) p.a.c.e.skipper: p.a.c.e.(skipper laughs) let's go get chelsea, i betshe would really love this.skipper: yes! but let's not tell her. no no no...but she'd be reallygood at it!skipper: ya! barbie: ok! (barbie laughs)

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