Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Through Foster Care

thousands of children need a home right noin texas. tomorrow the state is hosting a summit to encourage faith- based groups play a bigger

How To Adopt A Child Through Foster Care, role in the fosteca system. last week, dptroopers were forced to stein and help the state look foat-risk

children.kxan's political reporter phil prazan shows us how one famcan make a difference."we were shocked with the numb of children who were in foster care."after the calder's found out they were unable to have biological children, the home became a

safe place fofive foster children from texas.connor and thomas became permanent part of their famin less than a year... they share custody with abigail."this is an all hands kind of thing. this isn't a - sit back and let other people the rkwe

l veo accoe here."kris calder worked lock-step with presbytern children's hoand services... the faith-based group has worked for years to recruit families like the calders to foster at-risk children."in coming back from

their coldest, scariest days, that they have somebody that will just beheth, somebody thathecacot on."she pelaher part and convince others to become foster parents... who biggest hold- isn't the past life of child... but e fear

of letting tearchd placement reunite with a family.but the saddest story of abuse and neglect could still have happy ending."i can't imaginnohaving taken thrisk and not being the mother to t three beautiful children that have. because

if i wouldn't he taken the risk. i wo bmom." phil prazanxa. tomorrow at t summit, presbyterian children's homes and services ll speak about their "mission 1:27" meant to encourage texans to donate to group supporting foster

families, ore tels. thousands of children and teenagers are waiting to be adopted in texas. so we wanted know how long they normally wait for a permanent new of september- more than 6- thousand chiln in foster

care were waiting to be adopted.that's according to the texas department of family and protective services.last year-- on avagre than -hdr cldn as foster care wwaintoe adopted each h.d-f-p-s says as of september- more

than 55-hundr foster car children haven opd the state thiyear.that is more than 3-percent higher from the samee-asye. a person has be at least 21 years old to adopt a child in learn more about adopting a child and the

requirements-o to adopt children d ost

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