Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child That Isn't Yours

so that's the huntsman, winter's war. and it's jessica chastain andemily blunt and charlize theron. >> yeah. >> wow. that must have been hardworking with them everyday.

How To Adopt A Child That Isn't Yours, >> horrible, horrible people. not attractive. >> not attractive. not intelligent.

>> not talented. you know, it was hard. >> it's really great. i mean three very powerful women. >> it was amazing yeah. and it's funny, it just struck methe other day, working with them. and it is a very modern takeon the fairy tale world, it's not the damsel in distressbeing rescued by the princess. it's me being rescued, most of the film,by these very powerful women.

and i thought, wow, this issomething i want my daughter to see. which is women where they're incharge of they're own destiny. they're not waiting forthe prince to rescue them. and they can take over the world orlead armies and so on. so, it was great. and i think there's not enough of it. and there should be more. glad to be a part of it. >> you're absolutely right.

that is great foryoung girls to see that for a change. and your daughter's four andyour boys are twins. right?>> yeah. yeah.>> and they're two? >> they're two.yeah. >> and they all get along. >> they get along? absolutely. they're, well at times.

>> yeah.>> [laugh] >> siblings kinda have their moments. my daughter's kinda enviousof my boys at the moment. she came to me the other day and she's like, you know papa i want one ofthose things that sasha and tristan have. i'm like, what do you mean. so you know, the things inbetween their legs that you have. >> [laugh]>> i was like. well, you see girls.

and then my brain's like,how do we handle this, you know? it was like girls have breasts. i don't want breasts. i was like, okay. she goes i really want one,and i'm like, a penis? i want a penis! >> [laugh]>> okay. >> a little four year oldsaying i want a penis! she's know what?

you can be whatever you want to be. >> [laugh] [applause]>> and she goes, thanks, dad. >> [applause] [laugh]>> and runs off the program, and that was it. so, i'll have to keep thatconversation open in a few years time. >> yeah, you'll have to seeif she brings it up again, because she's probablyjust as envious right now. >> there'll be a pill forit in a few years. >> yeah.[laugh]

>> she can probably have one. >> she'll just grow one. >> she'll grow one, yeah.[laugh] >> [laugh] i think there is a pill for that, actually. >> there is somewhere. >> i think a lot of men take that pill. [laugh]

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