Thursday, June 22, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Ny

hello, i’m vincent white and i’m an employmentattorney handling discrimination, sexual harassment, overtime, that kind of work. i am answeringquestions today and i’ve got my papers here, just like a newscaster. the question thatwe are facing right now is “i’m gay and my partner and i recently adopted a employer is forcibly suggesting that i quit to raise my family, i still want to work.what can i do?” now this is just, as i see

How To Adopt A Child Ny, it’s a classic familial status discrimination.your employer sees that you have a child. the fact that you’re gay is irrelevant,certainly to me, it should be irrelevant to everyone. you are now an individual with achild and your employer is discriminating against you based on the fact that they knowthat you may not be able to stay as late as

you once did. you may have to leave to pickup the kids. you may be tired because you’ve been up all night with your child. there’sa variety of reasons, practical reasons why an employer might not want a parent as muchas they would like a single employee. you just have more responsibilities now, but thatbeing said that’s illegal, you can’t discriminate against people. you can’t stop people fromhaving children. i don’t know for a fact that there has been a case with a gay family,charging their employer with familial status discrimination as yet, but if that is somethingyou are facing, i would be thrilled to help you with that case. that case should happensoon and i think it makes a lot of sense and is an area of law that should be built outif it hasn’t been already. i hope this helps

and i hope everything works out for you. ifyou have any questions my contact information is below in the description. take care.

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