Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Los Angeles

suzie: can you see the interview monday night 8:00 on cbs2. jeff: police in glendale are delivering joy to needy

How To Adopt A Child Los Angeles, families this holiday season. rachel kim shows you how they are spreading the love

tonight. reporter: the trees loaded onto trucks, the officers ready to deliver. glendale police hit the streets with a different mission to bring christmas joy to the city's neediest. first off the aguilar

family. they jump for joy when glendale police showed up with the christmas tree for his family. they didn't have anything for the seven kids last year because dad had lost his job into my parents went through

a lot and we didn't have presents for my brothers and sisters. this year we are going to have a second chance makes me more happier for them. it's all thanks to the cops for kids program started by the glendale

police officers association. they raise money throughout the year, then officers adopt under privileged families and buy christmas trees an presents for them and during the holidays the officers get to see a price less pay off.

there's a positive contact for law enforcement. it's very, very heartwarming. we see a lot of damage did i so to be able to see the excitement and give back to kids and families that are in need means the world

to us. the next stop brought to us anna's home. anna says getting a tree and lights meant the world to her. she translated what here dad wanted to see. see you later.

we saw so many hugs shared and hearts touched. the giving didn't end with the tree. there are the presents that these officers, their families and volunteers bought, wrapped and delivered.

the family couldn't wait for their arrival. she said she doesn't have a lot of money to spend on her daughters because her dad became ill recently. i just want to thank everyone and hope you guys keep helping families.

in all the officers delivered trees and gifts to 22 families this year, although there are many more stories of struggles and hardship, cops for kids wants glendale to remember this. your police department

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